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DSC04074The 2020 iCMLf Goldman Prize is awarded to Professor Jane Apperley

The iCMLf is pleased to announce the winner of the 2020 Goldman Prize. Professor Jane Apperley, Chair of the Centre for Haematology at Imperial College, London, UK will receive her Goldman medal during the 2020 John Goldman meeting on CML in October. The annual Goldman Prize, awarded in honour of Professor John Goldman, acknowledges outstanding contributions to the management of patients with CML. Professor Apperley receives the prize in recognition of her exceptional reputation as a clinical academic and her many years of expertise in CML and blood and bone marrow transplantation.

"Jane has been one of the leaders in CML research for many years. She has helped us not only develop better therapies for patients with CML, but with thorough, thoughtful and innovative research and analysis, understand the best way to manage patients incorporating all known variables and even helping us think of new variables that play a role. She has always kept a critical but balanced view of the data and performed innovative and groundbreaking research. Jane and her group have been leaders in CML research for many years and her contributions make her a very deserving recipient of this award. And even more fitting having worked with John for so many years.”
(Professor Jorge Cortes, Georgia Cancer Center, Augusta University)

02 DSC 3070 KopieThe 2020 iCMLf Prize is awarded to Dr Sabira Kurtovic
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)

The iCMLf awards the 2020 iCMLf Prize to Dr Sabira Kurtovic, a hematologist at the Clinical Centre of the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This iCMLf Prize recognises outstanding contributions to the improvement of CML treatment under the challenging conditions of low- and middle-income countries with unequal access to monitoring and treatment. Dr Kurtovic is awarded the iCMLf Prize for her tireless work to ensure that patients with CML in Bosnia and Herzegovina receive the best possible care and have access to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs).

"I am thrilled and delighted that Dr Kurtovic will receive the 2020 iCMLf Prize. She has demonstrated a humanitarian spirit and drive through war and beyond, managing always to keep patient welfare at the forefront. Having worked with her I know first hand her dedication, intelligence, and compassion."
(Professor Jerry Radich, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre)

Michael DeiningerThe 2019 Rowley Prize is awarded to Professor Michael Deininger

Michael W. Deininger, Professor of Internal Medicine and Adjunct Professor of Oncological Sciences at the Huntsman Cancer Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, has been awarded the 2019 iCMLf Rowley Prize. The Rowley Prize is awarded to celebrate people who have made outstanding lifetime contributions to the understanding of the biology of CML.

Michael Deininger receives the prize in recognition of his involvement in researching the biology of CML that has contributed to the establishment of tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) based therapies in CML and has significantly transformed the way CML is being diagnosed, treated and monitored today. As a clinician-scientist with a translational research focus, Professor Deininger has been researching the biology and therapy of CML for more than 20 years now constantly aiming to develop new and more effective therapies and strategies to prevent drug resistance.

VEP MahonThe 2019 Goldman Prize is awarded to Professor François-Xavier Mahon

The iCMLf awards the 2019 Goldman Prize to Professor François-Xavier Mahon, Director of the Cancer Center of Bordeaux (Bergonie Institute) in recognition of his breakthrough achievements in the clinical development of CML therapies and his pioneering research on treatment discontinuation in CML. The annual Goldman Prize awarded in honour of Professor John Goldman, acknowledges outstanding lifetime contributions to the management of patients with CML.

Carolina PavlovskyThe 2019 iCMLf Prize is awarded to Dr Carolina Pavlovsky (Argentina)

The 2019 iCMLf Prize winner is Dr Carolina Pavlovsky, Head of the Research Department at Fundaleu (Foundation to fight Leukemia), in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has been awarded the prize for her efforts to continually bring the ‘real-world’ perspectives of the emerging economic regions into the scientific discussion of CML management. This prize is awarded by the iCMLf for outstanding contributions to the improvement of CML treatment under the challenging conditions of emerging economic countries with unequal access to monitoring and treatment.


Nick CrossThe 2018 iCMLf Rowley Prize is awarded to Professor Nick Cross

‘Nick Cross has been the driving force behind the harmonization of molecular response criteria in CML, especially deep molecular response, a critical step towards making TFR possible and practical. He has also led the discovery and description of BCR-ABL-negative CML-like syndromes.’ (Timothy Hughes, Chairman of the iCMLf)

The 2018 Rowley Prize winner is Nick Cross, Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Southampton (UK). Professor Cross receives the prize in recognition of his scientific achievements to better understand the molecular pathogenesis of chronic myeloid leukemia and the development, validation and standardisation of genetic tests.