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Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)

The iCMLf is committed to improving the quality of care for CML patients internationally. As part of this commitment, we have developed support and education programs specifically for clinicians working in low and middle-income countries, who may not have access to appropriate diagnostic tools, monitoring assays and who likely face difficulties accessing up to date knowledge and skills for best practice CML management.

iCMLf programs for LMICs are designed to establish a supportive relationships between international CML centers of excellence and clinicians in lower income regions who have a significant commitment to CML patients.

In 2023, the iCMLf held two dedicated education programs for clinicians in LMICs. The iCMLf Knowledge Centre and iCMLf Regional Discussion Groups provide vital and up to date education. Following on from their success in 2023, Regional Discussion Groups in 2024 will be held again for emerging regions: Latin America, South Asia and Africa to discuss key issues in CML practice and treatment in those areas. We expect more regions to follow.


The iCMLf Knowledge Centre

The iCMLf's Knowledge Centre was launched on World CML Day in September 2021 to further improve the quality of care for CML patients internationally. The presentations within the Knowledge Centre are designed specifically for physicians and scientists in non-academic centers, and particularly those facing resource challenges. The platform features presentations from global experts in CML management, focusing on cutting-edge and best practice approaches to addressing the challenges of CML management globally. Professor Guiseppe Saglio from Turin, Italy is the Chair of the program and we are grateful for the support of the program from Novartis Oncology.

Current modules include; CML Therapy, Management Practicalities, Treatment Free Remission, From the Laboratory, Pediatric treatment of CML

View the modules


iCMLf Regional Discussion Groups

New in 2023, the iCMLf Regional Discussion Groups on CML are aimed to take international conversations to improve the management of CMLand tailor these to a specific region’s needs.. This year our Regional Discussion Groups will facilitate inclusive discussions focused on topics and issues of particular regional relevance in three regions: Latin America, Africa, and South Asia. Discussions are facilitated by both local and internationally recognised CML experts, with attending physicians invited to share cases, ask questions, and comment freely on the topics at issue. The program is the result of consultations with CML physicians from 15 low- and middle-income countries, who showed universal support for the program and identified the most relevant topics for discussion.

Read more about the discussions


The iCMLf Clinical Preceptorship Program

This program is designed for clinicians from LMICs with a specific interest in the treatment of CML and with a significant CML patient load. The iCMLf Clinical Preceptorship Program program enhances clinical knowledge and skills in the treatment of CML through preceptorships at internationally renowned CML centers. Participants of the program become part of a clinical team at a host site for the duration of the preceptorship, undertaking seminars and laboratory work where appropriate. Due to the pandemic the iCMLf preceptorships are on hiatus.

Read more about the program and centres involved


The iCMLf Diagnosis & Testing Program

The iCMLf Diagnosis and Testing Program provides diagnostic testing and ultimately, disease monitoring for CML patients in LMICs, where this is limited, or not currently available. Many hospitals in LMICs do not have the capability to confirm the diagnosis of CML either by cytogenetics or molecular tests, which results in patients not being able to access the medications available to enhance and extend their quality of life. Continued monitoring is essential to detect any progression of the disease that in many cases can be halted with available therapy. Through the iCMLf Diagnosis and Testing Program the iCMLf works in partnersip with the centre to develop facilities at a local level to either bring high quality testing to the patient, or to develop a low cost strategy for sending patient samples to a central reference laboratory for testing. The iCMLf Diagnosis and Testing Program is currently closed for applications

Read more about the program and centres involved



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