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Jorge Cortes 2013The 2018 iCMLf Goldman Prize is awarded to Professor Jorge Cortes

'Jorge has led many of the most important CML trials over the past decade and is now regarded as the pre-eminent world expert in CML management. He has also tirelessly disseminated his unique expertise to colleagues at his own centre and around the world.' 
(Timothy Hughes, Chairman of the iCMLf)

Jorge Cortes, Professor of Medicine and Deputy Chair at the Department of Leukemia at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, has been awarded the 2018 iCMLf Goldman Prize. The award celebrates his globally recognised expertise and life-long commitment to the management of patients with CML.

Hemant MalhotraThe 2018 iCMLf Prize is awarded to Hemant Malhotra from India 

'The award recognises Hemant’s remarkable achievements in CML management in a challenging environment and his work to improve outcomes for CML patients.' 
(Timothy Hughes, Chairman of the iCMLf)

The iCMLf Directors and Advisors have selected Dr Hemant Malhotra, Senior Professor at the SMS Medical College Hospital and Head of the Division of Medical Oncology at the RK Birla Cancer Centre in Jaipur (India) as the 2018 iCMLf Prize winner. Dr Malhotra receives the prize in recognition of his tireless efforts and remarkable achievements to advance the treatment of CML patients in India and neighbouring countries.

The 2016 iCMLf Rowley Prize is awarded to Professors Groffen and Heisterkamp

John Groffen

Nora Heisterkamp

In 2016 the iCMLf Directors and a panel of previous prize winners, have named two renowned scientists as the recipients of the 2016 Rowley Prize: Professor John Groffen and Professor Nora Heisterkamp. This prestigious award celebrates the people who have made outstanding lifetime contributions to the understanding of the biology of CML.

2016 iCMLf Prize winner - Associate Professor Susan Branfordsusan branford

The iCMLf has awarded the 2016 iCMLf prize to Associate Professor Susan Branford. This award recognises the critically important work she has performed to improve the quality and availability of reliable molecular testing for CML in the emerging regions. Her efforts have significantly impacted and improved the management of so many CML patients in these regions.

The 2016 iCMLf Goldman Prize is awarded to Professor Hagop KantarjianHagop Kantarjian

The iCMLf awards the 2016 Goldman Prize to Professor Hagop Kantarjian in recognition of his groundbreaking discoveries, including new targeted-therapies that improved prognosis and survival in patients with CML. The annual Goldman Prize awarded in honour of Professor John Goldman, acknowledges outstanding lifetime contributions to the management of patients with CML.

The 2015 iCMLf Rowley Prize is awarded to Professor Richard Van Etten2015 award ceremonies VanEtten

The iCMLf Rowley Prize is designed to recognise persons who have made major contributions to the understanding of the biology of CML. In 2015 the Rowley Prize is awarded to Professor Richard Van Etten. This iCMLf award recognises Dr Van Etten’s groundbreaking research focusing on the development of new therapeutic strategies such as the tyrosine kinase inhibitors.