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Viji Venkatesh KopieThe 2024 iCMLf Prize is awarded to Viji Venkatesh

The 2024 iCMLf Prize has been awarded to Viji Venkatesh, Regional Head, India & South Asia at The Max Foundation. This award recognises her remarkable contributions to advancing cancer care and patient support, particularly in low-resource settings. Throughout her 35 years of experience in leadership roles at The Max Foundation and in many other community roles, Viji has established pioneering initiatives and patient support programs that have made a true difference to so many patients living with cancer in South Asia and beyond.

The iCMLf Prize acknowledges outstanding achievements to low- and middle-income countries to address unequal access to monitoring and treatment of CML.

‘Alongside The Max Foundation’s patient access programs throughout South Asia,
Viji established the Friends of Max patient support group for CML patients, which now has more then 20 local chapters throughout India representing more than 18,000 members. Viji also encouraged patient leaders in the other countries in the region to form similar support groups. She is a global leader in the CML advocacy community and very deserving of the iCMLf Prize’
(Pat-García Gonzalez, CEO of the MAX Foundation)

iCMLf Prize medal 1 Kopie

Recognising those improving CML treatment in Low and Middle Income Countries - the 2023 iCMLf Prize nominees

The iCMLf Prize honours people who have done outstanding work improving CML management under resource-constraint conditions in low and middle-income countries. Each year, we receive many nominations from the CML community for this prize…

And it’s always difficult to make a choice...

This year the iCMLf prize was awarded to Professor Iryna Dyagil and Dr Kostyantyn Kotlyarchuk, two Ukrainian hematologists in recognition of their work for people with CML under the challenging conditions of war and disruption.

In addition, there were also 11 physicians and patient advocates from ten different countries who were nominated for their dedication and life changing work for people with CML.

Today we are taking the opportunity to acknowledge all of the nominees and to thank them for their work to help people with CML in low and middle-income countries – through their research, their clinical practice and through their advocacy.

Jerald RadichThe 2023 iCMLf Rowley Prize is awarded to Professor Jerry Radich

The iCMLf is delighted to announce that Professor Jerry Radich, Director of the Radich Laboratory and the Molecular Oncology Laboratory at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle (USA), is the winner of the 2023 Rowley Prize. The iCMLf Rowley Prize is awarded to celebrate people who have made outstanding lifetime contributions to the understanding of the biology of CML.

“I am honored and humbled by receiving the Rowley Prize. To be included in the company of past winners, under the name of the miraculous Janet Rowley, strains my belief and comprehension. I cannot adequately enough thank those who have given me this award, and those in my lab who have actually done the work.” (Professor Jerry Radich)

F. GuilhotThe 2023 Goldman Prize is awarded to Professor François Guilhot

Professor François Guilhot, an Emeritus Professor of Hematology and the past Director of the Clinical Investigation Center, 1402 INSERM in Poitiers, France, will receive the 2023 iCMLf Goldman Prize. Professor Guilhot receives the award in recognition of his pioneering achievements in important clinical trials in CML and his longstanding leadership in the management of CML. The annual Goldman Prize, awarded in honour of Professor John Goldman, acknowledges outstanding lifetime contributions to the management of patients with CML.

"Many great scientists have already received the John Goldman Prize. And I am very honoured to have been selected this year;this award recognizes 35 years of research and care for CML patients.”
(Professor François Guilhot)

Collage 2023 iCMLf Prize winners KopieThe 2023 iCMLf Prize is awarded to two Ukrainian hematologists – Kostyantyn Kotlyarchuk & Iryna Dyagil

The iCMLf Prize in 2023 recognizes the work of Ukrainian hematologists in this time of war and disruption. The iCMLf Directors and Advisors have chosen the two nominated Ukrainian hematologists to jointly accept this prize in 2023:

  • Professor Iryna Dyagil
    Head of the Department of Radiation Oncohematology, National Scientific Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,
    Kyiv (Ukraine)

  • Dr Kostyantyn Kotlyarchuk
    Head of the Hematology Department SI ‘Institute of Blood Pathology and Transfusion Medicine NAMS’, Lviv (Ukraine)

The iCMLf Prize recognizes outstanding contributions to the improvement of CML under the challenging conditions of low- and middle-income countries with unequal access to monitoring and access.

Andreas HochhausThe 2022 Goldman Prize is awarded to Professor Andreas Hochhaus

We are delighted to announce Professor Andreas Hochhaus, Head of the Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology at Jena University Hospital as the 2022 Goldman Prize recipient. He receives the prize in recognition of his outstanding clinical leadership in CML and for his lifelong contributions to the optimization of CML therapy – through his work on mechanisms of resistance and stem cell persistence, through leading clinical studies and through the development of clinical recommendations. The annual Goldman Prize awarded in honour of Professor John Goldman, acknowledges outstanding lifetime contributions to the management of patients with CML.