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A Heartfelt Thank You: Celebrating the Generosity of our Climb for a Cure - Annapurna Donors

iCMLf Content 2023

The iCMLf Climb for a Cure - Annapurna fundraising adventure is getting closer, and we are incredibly grateful for the support we have received from donors around the world. The funds raised through this initiative will make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals living with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). We extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed to this cause so far.

Your generosity enables us to continue the vital work of the iCMLf in advancing research, facilitating optimal management practices for CML globally, and supporting patients and their families. Your donations are an investment in the lives of individuals affected by CML, and they bring hope and renewed strength to those facing this challenging journey.

Donate to the Climb For a Cure Annapurna 2023


Meet the iCMLf Climb For a Cure Acknowledged Partners

Support our climbers and CML Patients 2







Support our climbers and CML Patients

Corporate sponsorship packages are available: pdf Click here (1.21 MB)  to download the PDF, or contact Nicola at for more information.

Meet the iCMLf 2023 Global Climbing Team:

We also extend our sincerest appreciation to the climbers taking on the physical and mental challenge of climbing to Annapurna Base Camp, all in the name of raising funds for the iCMLf. Your determination, resilience, and unwavering support are an inspiration.

Support our climbers and CML Patients 2

You can donate to the individual climbers here.

Please support our Climb for a Cure

All donations, whether big or small, make a difference and reaffirm our collective commitment to finding a cure for CML.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for climbing with us on this journey.

Donate to the Climb For a Cure Annapurna 2023

If you are interested in climbing with us, you still can – Register here.