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CML in Children and young Adults

In general, acute leukemias are most prevalent in children and are therefore often referred to as "childhood leukemias". The chronic forms of other leukemias, including chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), are seen almost solely in adults.

CML in children is considered an ultra-rare condition. Incidence is unknown but estimations range around 15 new cases per year in UK and 100 new cases in the USA. It accounts for less than 3% of all childhood leukemias and less than 10% of all CML cases. Incidence is suspected to be higher in developing countries, with The Max Foundation saying to have more than 2,000 pediatric CML patients in their database.


Basic Information

Read more about CML in children and young adults

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society provides further information on CML in children and young adults including current treatment options.


Scientific News

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Read recommendations for the management of CML in children

In 2014, a group of renowned pediatric CML experts published treatment recommendations on behalf of the International BFM Group (iBFM) Study Group Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia Committee. The recommendations apply specifically to young CML patients and were published in the British Journal of Haematology. 

You can read a short Summary of the publication here

Important Links

We would also like to inform you about other important links of interest for you.

 Logo LÖSEVVisit a foundation for children with leukemia

LÖSEV is a non-profit NGO, mainly aiming to provide educational and emotional support, financial assistance and health services for children who have leukemia or chronic blood disorders, in order to help them cope with a life-threatening illness. Other goals are to promote knowledge and provide instruction on an international level regarding acquired and inherited blood diseases, as well as establish and operate research institutions.


Patient Stories

Chat with young adults living with CML

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society hosts a chat that provides a forum for young adult patients (ages 18-39) to address the stresses and triumphs shared by those living with survivorship issues. This chat is open to discuss any issue related to living with leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma: a new diagnosis, treatment decisions, clinical trials, treatment side effects, relapse, emotional toll, interpersonal relationships, fatigue, living with uncertainty and other survivorship issues.