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The iCMLf is hosting monthly 'iCMLf Conversations on CML' with expert live discussions on various topics in CML management. On this page you will find recordings from past conversations with renowned CML experts that cover a wide range of topics like;


Hughes.Tim Precision Medicine 3 PURE


Professor Timothy Hughes
Clinical Director, Precision Cancer Medicine Theme at SAHMRI /
Cancer Professor University of Adelaide /
Consultant Haematologist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (Australia)

susan branford


Professor Susan Branford
Head, Leukemia Unit, Genetics and Molecular Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide (Australia)

Daniela Krause


Professor Daniela Krause
Director of the Institute of Transfusion Medicine at the University of Mainz  (Germany)

Jorge Cortes 2013


Professor Jorge Cortes
Georgia Cancer Centre, Augusta (USA)