The iCMLf awards the 2022 Rowley Prize to Professor Oliver Hantschel, for his scientific research on structural biochemistry of tyrosine kinase oncoproteins that helped to describe novel targetable pathways in the pathophysiology of BCR-ABL. The Rowley Prize is awarded to celebrate people who have made outstanding lifetime contributions to the understanding of the biology of CML.
This year, the iCMLf Directors and Advisors have selected two powerful voices for patients with CML as recipients for the iCMLf Prize. Giora Sharf (Israel) and Jan Geissler (Germany) have used the experience of their own diagnosis to help other patients. They have tirelessly advocated for the needs of patients with CML across the world over the past decades. The iCMLf Prize recognizes outstanding contributions to the improvement of CML treatment in low- and middle-income countries. As giants in patient advocacy around the world, Jan and Giora are worthy recipients of this award.
The iCMLf is pleased to announce Professor Susan Branford, SA Pathology and Centre for Cancer Biology in Adelaide as the 2021 Rowley Prize winner. This annual prize awarded by the International CML Foundation recognises outstanding contributions to the understanding of the biology of CML. Sue is a leading international authority on molecular monitoring for CML and a major contributor to international collaborative initiatives to establish guidelines and recommendations for producing reliable molecular data.
We are delighted to announce that Professor Giuseppe Saglio, Professor of Haematology and Internal Medicine at the University of Turin (Italy) has been awarded the 2021 Goldman Prize. The annual Goldman Prize, awarded in honour of Professor John Goldman, acknowledges outstanding contributions to the management of patients with CML and Professor Saglio is universally regarded as one of the greatest experts in CML treatment.
The iCMLf Directors and Advisors have selected Dr Damira Bayzakova, a pediatric oncologist from the National Center of Oncology in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) as the 2021 iCMLf Prize winner. Dr Bayzakova has been awarded the prize posthumously for her efforts that greatly improved the monitoring and treatment of CML in Kyrgyzstan and to recognize her work and legacy. The iCMLf Prize recognizes outstanding contributions to the improvement of CML under the challenging conditions of low- and middle-income countries with unequal access to monitoring and access.
“Dr. Bayzakova was a CML specialist from Kyrgyzstan who tragically passed away in November 2020, due to complications of COVID-19. She dedicated her life to her patients and through her efforts greatly improved the treatment of CML in her country.” Pat Garcia-Gonzales, CEO, The Max Foundation
We are delighted to announce that this year Professor Ravi Bhatia, Director of the University of Alabama Division of Hematology-Oncology and Deputy Director of the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, USA, joins the long line of internationally renowned scientists awarded the iCMLf Rowley Prize. This annual prize awarded by the International CML Foundation recognises outstanding contributions to the understanding of the biology of CML.
‘Ravi Bhatia is a global leader in leukemia research who has made fundamental discoveries about the nature of the leukemic stem cell in CML. These discoveries are leading to promising therapeutic developments. He is also a generous and inspirational mentor and educator. Ravi is a very worthy winner of the Rowley Prize for 2020.’
(Timothy Hughes, Chairman of the iCMLf)