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The iCMLf commenced our 2024 regional program this week, hosting the first session of the South Asian Regional Discussion Group. Aimed at addressing localised challenges in treating CML, the session brought together physicians from across South Asia to engage in discussions and share case examples. Initially launched in 2023, the Regional Discussion Group program is designed to provide a platform for physicians across low- and middle-income countries to interact with both international and regional CML experts.


ValentinThe iCMLf recently hosted the second Regional Discussion Group for South Asia for 2024, focusing on complex cases and management strategies for CML. The Regional Discussion Group program is designed to provide a platform for physicians across low- and middle-income countries to interact with both international and regional CML experts. The session, held on May 29th, was marked by in-depth discussions and expert insights, particularly highlighting a challenging case presented by Professor Mehreen Ali Khan.

“I congratulate iCMLf for all the logistic and intellectual support for the service of humanity especially in our part of the world. Opinions of experts of world fame definitely taught us a lot. This is the first time in 25 years of my Hematology career that I have had such an opportunity. Thank you iCMLf.” - Professor Mehreen Ali Khan, Pakistan

Logo EHA 2024 Hybrid CongressWe're bringing you daily updates from the CML sessions at EHA2024. Check back each day for updates on the day's sessions.

Those registered for EHA can view the session on demand.

Logo EHA 2024 Hybrid CongressJune 2024 - The EHA2024 Hybrid Meeting kicks off this Thursday and we look forward to meeting many friends and colleagues once again.

If you haven’t already done so – you can prepare for this year's CML sessions by downloading our comprehensive CML Session overview, ensuring you don’t miss any key presentations.

Also mark your calendar for this important iCMLf event: The final results of the iCMLf COVID-19 and CML CANDID study will be unveiled during a poster presentation on Friday, June 14, 2024 from 18.00 – 19.00 (Poster Area in Hall 7)

The iCMLf's Chief Executive, Nicola Evans, will be at EHA and is looking forward to meeting with members of the CML community. To arrange a meeting with Nicola and discuss our programs, research collaborations, and how to get more involved with the iCMLf, please email to schedule a time.

If you are unable to attend the EHA2024 Hybrid Meeting or wish to review the highlights afterward, we’ve got you covered!

Join our webinar ‘CML Highlights of EHA 2024’ on Wednesday, July 3rd at 2pm Central European Summer Time (CEST) on Zoom, part of our ongoing iCMLf Conversations series.

More details below…

Graphic EHA CANDID posterMay 2024 - We’re delighted to share that the final results of the iCMLf CANDID Study will be presented as a poster at the European Hematology Association (EHA) 2024 Hybrid Congress. The study collected data on over 1000 CML patients across 57 countries, shedding light on the intersection of CML and COVID-19 globally. 

The poster will be presented during the poster session on CML.  Don't miss!
Come and join us on Friday, June 14 from 18.00 - 19.00 CEST at the Poster area in Hall 7.

Logo EHA 2024 Hybrid Congress

May 2024 - With just 5 weeks until the start of the European Hematology Association congress (EHA) it’s time to plan your CML meeting schedule!

To make sure you don’t miss any important updates and discussions we have compiled a list of CML related sessions.