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iCMLf Conversations


    Logotype CML 2020September 2020 'Today, together, more than ever’ – We have taken this year’s World CML Day motto to heart and are happy to host two important expert live discussions on World CML Day on September 22nd to bring the CML community even closer together through our online activities during these difficult times.

    On September 22nd at 14.00 CET, Dr Ehab Atallah and Professor Mhairi Copland will be discussing current CML research and the impact of COVID-19 both from a US and a European perspective. At 17.00 central China time we will be hosting an iCMLf conversation on CML and COVID-19 in Mandarin.

    iCMLf Conversation on CML:
    Current research in CML and the impact of COVID-19

    Date: September 22nd at 14.00 Central European Time (CET)

    • Ehab Atallah, Medial College of Wisconsin (USA)
    • Professor Mhairi Copland, University of Glasgow (UK)

    What will be discussed during the webinar?

    CML Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic - A US perspective
    CML Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic - A UK/EU perspective

    • Ongoing studies in CML 
    • When is it ethical to start enrolling patients on CML studies?
    • How did the USA/UK/EU manage trial patients during the height of the pandemic, and when did centres restart enrolment?
    • Local strategies at sites

    At what time does the webinar take place in my time zone?

    The webinar will be held from 14.00 – 14.45 Central European Time.

    Times in other times zones:

    • ACST – Australian Central Standard Time: 21.30
    • BRT – Brazilian Time: 09.00
    • CAT – Central African Time: 14.00
    • CST – China Standard Time: 20.00
    • EAT – East Africa Time: 15.00
    • EST – Eastern Standard Time: 08.00
    • GMT – Greenwich Mean Time: 13.00
    • IST – Indian Standard Time: 17.30

    Save to your calendar:

    How can I dial into the webinar?
    Please join this meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone via the link below:
    Meeting-ID: 814 1937 8404

    iCMLf conversation on COVID-19 and CML
    CML management during the COVID-19 pandemic
    – perspectives from China (in Mandarin)

    September 22nd at 17.00 Standard China Time / 11.00 Central European Time

    • Dr Jiang Qian, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing (China)
    • Dr Xuelin Dou, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing (China)

    What will be discussed during the webinar?

    • Patients with hematological malignancies during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
    • Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
    • CML treatment recommendations for patients without COVID-19 during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    At what time does the webinar take place in my time zone?

    The webinar will be held from

    • 17.00 – 17.45 Central China Time
    • 11.00 – 11.45 Central European Time

    Save to your calendar:

    How can I dial into the webinar?
    Please join this meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone via the link below:
    Meeting-ID: 842 6321 0583

    Can I ask questions during the webinars?

    An important part of the conversation will be questions from the audience. You can submit your questions via chat during the webinar and the experts will answer as many as possible during the Q&A session.

    I won’t be able to attend. Can I watch the webinars at a later time?

    All webinars will be made available on the iCMLf website after the event.

    If you have any questions or need assistance, please email to

    See you soon on in our expert live discussions on World CML Day!