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Climb for a cure


    Professor of Internal Medicine
    Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences
    University of Turin
    Turin, Italy


    Dr Giuseppe Saglio is Professor of Internal Medicine and Haematology at the University of Turin. He is Director of the Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences at the University of Turin and responsible for the Division of Internal Medicine and Haematology at San Luigi University Hospital. He graduated from the University of Turin in 1975. Since then he has studied Internal Medicine at the University of Turin (1975-1980), Haematology at the University of Milan (1980-1983) and Molecular Biology at the University of Leiden (1976), Inserm-Creteil, Paris (1979) and the University of California (1983).

    Dr Saglio is co-ordinator of the PhD programme in Molecular Medicine and Experimental Therapy at the University of Turin, past-president of the Italian Society of Experimental Haematology (SIES) and general secretary of the IACRLRD (International Association for Comparative Research on Leukemia and Related Diseases). He has published more than 500 peer-reviewed articles in the fields of molecular pathogenesis of haematological malignancies (1986-present), molecular medicine applied to clinical medicine (1978-present) and the molecular basis of thalassemia and related haemoglobinopathies (1978-1990).