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Climb for a cure

    Dr J Apperley 2010

    Professor of Medicine Chair, Department of Haematology Hammersmith Hospital
    Imperial College, London (UK)

    Professor Jane Apperley is the Chair of the Department of Haematology at the Imperial College and the Chief of Service for Clinical Haematology at the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London, England. Jane Apperley served as the President of both the European Group of Blood and Marrow Transplantation and the British Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. She also serves on the Advisory Board of the Centre for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research.

    She qualified in Medicine from the University of Birmingham and after initial specialization in internal medicine she completed specialist training in hematology in Birmingham, London, Cambridge and Boston.

    Her particular interests are the biology and management of CML, which has led to an extensive experience in stem cell transplantation and to the use of signal transduction inhibitors. Her group at the Hammersmith Hospital site has extensive experience in the use of the first- and second-generation TKI’s, particularly in the areas of molecular monitoring and mechanisms of drug resistance. She has a long-standing interest in the ways in which hematologic diseases and their treatment impact fertility, pregnancy, and fetal outcome.