Dear colleague,
Last year at ESH iCMLf, I presented a series of patients with a history of resistance or suboptimal responses who gained sustained DMR on salvage treatment and attempted TFR. This series included about 35 patients, including some enrolled in STOP 2G and new ones.
Obviously upon long lasting salvage treatment duration and DMR, TFR rates were at least as high as in optimal responders and molecular relapses did not seem more aggressive.
However those with a history of BCR-ABl mutations had only one mutation (except one case).
In conclusion, I personally don't find it unreasonable to attempt TFR in this patient after clear discussion about what is known, what is not known, and potential risks and stringent molecular monitoring.
We clearly need to grow such a series of patients and gain experience for them but not take unreasonable risks.
Best regards,
Dr Delphine Rea
Paris, Saint-Louis Hospital