50 years old woman was diagnosed CML chronic phase in February 2024. BCR-ABL expression 40%. In History 2015 invasive ductal breast cancer G2, ER +, PR+ , ki 67- 3-4%, HER2/neu -2+, Ki 67 3-4%, CISH negative. Radical mastectomy followed by radiotherapy and 2 month hormonotherapy have been performed. In 2022 Breast cancer relapse pT2NxM0, Ist A stage. Tampxiphen was given. In April 2024 3rd relapse- right breast invasive ductal carcinoma (G2), ER-80%, PR 50%, ki 67- 20%. Status post radical mastectomy pT1c (multi) N2 (MTS in 6 out of 14 lymph nodes).
Since February 2024 the patient is given Imatinib Mesilate after 2 month treatme hematological response is confirmed( intially WBC count was 104 x109/l); BCR -ABL expression was 20 %.
The patient needs aggressive chemotherapy for breast cancer. Planned chemotherapy drugs interact with imatinib .
What will be your consideration about continuation Imatinib or will it be more reasonable to stop Gliveec and check BCR once a month ?