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Please support us!

As a charitable foundation it is only through grants and donations that the iCMLf can positively influence the lives of patients with CML in regions where this assistance is most needed. The mission of the iCMLf is to improve the outcomes for patients with CML globally. The programs and activities implemented to achieve this would not be possible without the generous contributions from our sponsors.

For more information about sponsoring the activities of the iCMLf please contact

Alternatively please donate using the Donate here button. 


The iCMLf Corporate sponsors


We are incredibly grateful for the support of the following organisations.
The work of the iCMLf is life changing for the people and communities reached. Thank you for supporting our mission to improve outcomes for CML patients around the world.

2009 novartis oncology logo 138px pfizer-small  Logo SAHMRI
cepheid logo logo takedaoncology Incyte 2CPos RGB1 Logo Brandcastmedia



The iCMLf Partners

The iCMLf is pleased and proud to work with the following organisations to improve outcomes for people with CML around the world.



MAX Foundation

The Max Foundation

European School of Haematology (ESH)ESH logo


CML Advocates Network