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Meeting hallHighlights from the 22nd John Goldman E-Conference on CML: Biology and Therapy 2020

View best awarded abstracts and keynotes from 2020 iCMLf Prize recipients

In light of the continuing COVID-19 related challenges, the 22nd Annual John Goldman Conference on Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Biology and Therapy was held as a virtual E-Conference from October 1-4, 2020.
577 participants from 57 countries attended the virtual meeting to follow the scientific program of high transversal interest to the International CML scientific community.

‘The virtual event was a great opportunity to welcome an even larger CML community this year to benefit from the outstanding scientific program and to continue interacting with colleagues during this challenging period.’
(Professor Jorge Cortes, e-conference chairperson)

Jorge Cortes 2013

 You can still visit the E-Conference platform to take a virtual tour around the main lecture hall, the satellite symposium hall, the meet-the-expert room and the exhibition and e-poster hall. You can also view and download the scientific program, access e-posters and meet the faculty and conference partners.

Learn more about the best awarded abstracts and view keynote presentations from the recipients of the 2020 iCMLf Prizes.


Top scoring abstracts: Biology and Clinical 2020

Best awarded clinical abstract 2020 Auszeichnung

Targeted RNA-based gene sequencing identifies mutated blood cancer-linked genes at diagnosis of CML that are associated with treatment failure

Bio pic Branford 1


Professor Susan Branford, PhD, FFSc (RCPA) (Adelaide, Australia)
Head of Leukaemia Unit Genetics and Molecular Pathology
SA Pathology, Centre for Cancer Biology - an Alliance between
SA Pathology and the University of South Australia

Read her full bio here


Best awarded biology abstract 2020 Auszeichnung

Tgfßr - SMAD3 signaling protects CML and other myeloid malignancies from synthetic lethality triggered by PARP inhibited bone marrow mircroenvironment

IMG 2017 Bac Viet LeDr Bac Viet Le, PhD (Philadelphia, USA)
Sol Sherry Thrombosis Research Center
Temple University School of Medicine
Philadelphia, USA            

Read his full bio pdf here (8 KB)

Keynote presentations from the recipients of the 2020 iCMLf Prizes

At the 22nd John Goldman E-Conference on CML the 2020 iCMLf prize winners have been awarded their prizes. During keynote presentations the prize recipients shared personal perspectives on their scientific and clinical work for CML over the past years. You can view web streams of the Rowley Prize, the Goldman Prize and the iCMLf Prize keynote presentations here.

Collage 2020 Prize winners


  • 2020 Rowley Prize: Professor Ravi Bhatia
  • 2020 Goldman Prize: Professor Jane Apperley
  • 2020 iCMLf Prize: Dr Sabira Kurtovic











Janet Rowley Prize Presentation 2020
Presenter: Rob Welner (Birmingham, USA)
Awardee: Ravi Bhatia (Birmingham, USA)








Ravi Bhatia




Keynote Rowley Prize 2020:

The seed and the soil - the leukemia stem cell in its niche and the quest for cure
Professor Ravi Bhatia (Birmingham, USA)
Director of the University of Alabama Division of Hematology-Oncology
Deputy Director of the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama in Birmingham









John Goldman Prize Presentation 2020
Presenter: Hemant Malhotra (Jaipur, India)
Awardee: Jane Apperley (London, UK)









EHA Jane Apperley


Keynote Goldman Prize 2020:

CML and me: Reflections on a road to cure
Professor Jane Apperley
(London, UK)
Chair of the Centre for Haematology at the Imperial College, London









  2020 iCMLf PRIZE



iCMLf Prize Presentation 2020
Presenter: Jerry Radich (Seattle, USA)
Awardee: Sabira Kurtovic (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Sabira Kurtovic Kopie  

Keynote iCMLf Prize 2020:

CML Management in war and peace: lessons that shaped future approaches
Dr Sabira Kurtovic (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Hematologist at the Clinical Centre of the University of Sarajevo

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