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Daniela Krause


Professor Daniela Krause
Director of the Institute of Transfusion Medicine at the University of Mainz  (Germany)

Collage Hochhaus Ong Kopie


Professor Andreas Hochhaus
Director of the Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology
Jena University Hospital (Germany)

Professor Tiong S Ong
Duke-NUS Medical School (Singapore) &
Duke University Medical Center, NC (USA) 

Collage HughesLipton

Panel of experts:

Professor Timothy Hughes
SAHMRI/University of Adelaide/
Royal Hospital of Adelaide (Australia)

Professor Jeff Lipton
University of Toronto (Canada)

  susan branford


Professor Susan Branford
Head, Leukemia Unit, Genetis and Molecular Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide (Australia)

  Mhairi Copland


Professor Mhairi Copland
Professor of Translational Haematology
University of Glasgow