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The ERSAP Preceptorship Program – Perspective from the Preceptor

Dr DigumartiThe journey started with a thorough reading of material that the iCMLf provided on its website as well as on a pen-drive. The information was rich in content, authoritative and coherent. The management guidelines were not new, but something I could look forward to seeing being implemented at a world-class center. I carried the Emperor of Maladies (by Siddarth Mukherjee) to read along on the 28-hour journey. While it may not sound novel reading for oncologists, it gives a glimpse of the emotional isolation that patients face as well as the rigor of training a fellow in oncology training endures.

The clinical preceptorship program: experience from the receiving end

Timothy HughesWhen we first started to develop our priorities for the International CML Foundation we thought that education and training for clinicians from the emerging regions would be an area where we could make a substantial impact in a cost-effective manner. I think this has proved to be the case - the clinical preceptorship program has exceeded our expectations when we look at what has already been achieved. So far over 40 haematologists and pathologists from 25 emerging countries have received a 3-4 week training session at one of 10 premier CML centres. In Adelaide we have had the pleasure of working with 9 haematologists from 6 countries over the first 2 years of the program.